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Taipei English NewsImage
Taipei English News
Taipei English NewsImage
2024/08/09 (Fri)


1) Olympics Badminton Triumph: Taipei Celebrates with Fun Discounts in the City 麟洋摘金 台北狂樂大放送 2) Love in the Brilliance of Fireworks: Taipei Summer Festival Ends with “Love Song 140” and Firework Displays 大稻埕夏日節: 愛在花火燦爛時 3) Summer Photo Submission from Flowers In Taipei 曬出你的臺北夏日記憶 花IN台北有獎徵圖 4) Job Hunting Guide for the Youth: Career Talks and Recruitment Events from Renowned Companies 「百工青年求職指南」 :職涯講座、知名企業徵才活動 5) Healthy Waistline Prevents Chronic Diseases 「瘦腰就贏」 定期量測腰圍預防慢性病

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