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Taipei English NewsImage

Taipei English News

Taipei English NewsImage
2024/10/04 (Fri)


10/04 Sydney 1. Flu Shots and COVID-19 Vaccines Now Available 臺北市10月1日流感與新冠疫苗同步開打 2. Get Ready For Double Tenth Day Events and Discounts 113年國慶晚會在臺北 優惠活動接力開跑! 3. Sustainability Wave Forum on Cooling the City and Reaching Net Zero 《潮・永續論壇》 城市降溫 邁向淨零永續 4. 2024 New Culture Movement Month Kicks Off with Special Exhibits and Nostalgic Events 2024新文化運動月開跑再現北署風采 5. “Taipei! Your Next Adventure” Campaign Launches in Australia and New Zealand 北市觀傳局前進紐澳


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