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Taipei English NewsImage

Taipei English News

Taipei English NewsImage
2024/10/18 (Fri)


1-臺北廣播電臺《有緣千里‧話音樂》榮獲廣播金鐘藝術 TBS Radio Program Snatches A Golden Bell 2-北市府與文策院簽署文創MOU 攜手推動文創永續培育 厚實臺北文化續航力 Cultural Content MUO to Boost Creative Industries 3-臺北智慧醫療技術亮相東京國際醫療展 創造臺日合作新契機 New Medical Opportunities with Tokyo for Taiwan 4-走訪臺北「借問站」! 集章抽飯店住宿券、餐券等百項大獎 Ask To Enter: Win Hotel Stays and Dining Vouchers 5-臺北夜綠宿 淨零愛地球 入住環保標章旅館抽百萬綠點 早鳥還有禮券拿 Eco Friendly Stay Initiative: Green Points and Extra Prizes



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