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The Senior's Happy Life in Taipei

The Senior's Happy Life in Taipei

FM Mon. to Sun. 05:00-06:00
The Senior's Happy Life in Taipei


At every stage of life, we face unique challenges, and even those who have gathered a lifetime of wisdom, our seniors, are not immune to facing new obstacles. The program brings in experts from various fields to provide resources and potential solutions specifically tailored to the challenges that seniors might encounter.

Provide first-hand information about Taipei city and convey excitement and emotion to citizens.

Address 4F., No. 62-2, Sec. 3, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104027 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel (02) 2595-1233
Fax (02) 2592-2588 & (02) 2596-2115
Service Time Monday to Friday 9:00~18:00
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