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Taipei Happy PartyImage

Taipei Happy Party

Taipei Happy PartyImage
2024/12/30 (Mon)


12/30 1生活廣角鏡:農曆年的應景食物—臘肉香腸年糕 2為健康把脈;憂鬱症中醫的看法及防治 來賓1. 大享食育協會 黃嘉琳書長 2.陳潮宗中醫診所 柯柏任醫師\

Provide first-hand information about Taipei city and convey excitement and emotion to citizens.

Address 4F., No. 62-2, Sec. 3, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104027 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel (02) 2595-1233
Fax (02) 2592-2588 & (02) 2596-2115
Service Time Monday to Friday 9:00~18:00
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