2024 Radio Drama - Taipei Fantasy Theater III
Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio, a renowned work by Pu Songling, weaves tales of fox spirits, ghosts, and other supernatural beings to express observations on societal issues and human nature. The collection comprises 491 stories, many of which are deeply thought-provoking and vividly depict complex characters. In today’s era driven by objective evidence and digital technology, humanity continues to grapple with fundamental existential questions, pursuing the meaning of life, encountering serendipity, and defining personal values. Drawing inspiration from the classic Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio, Taipei Fantasy Theater II forgoes fox spirits and supernatural creatures, instead weaving surreal modern tales that spark wonder and self-reflection. These stories, blending the extraordinary with the everyday, encourage listeners to reevaluate their lives and discover contemporary cautionary lessons. The Taipei Fantasy Theater series features ten radio dramas that capture the struggles and uncertainties of life, exploring themes of societal frustration and existential longing. Each fantastical journey transforms its characters, altering their lives profoundly and turning the ordinary into the extraordinary.