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齊斌 Kenneth Chyi

齊斌 Kenneth Chyi


齊斌老師(Kenneth Chyi)多年來在國立教育廣播電台(National Educational Radio, NER)和台北廣播電台(Taipei Broadcasting Station)製作並主持英語系列節目。也曾擔任《Taiwan News》雙語週報專欄作家以及CD講解老師,並為《EZ Talk》擔任CD講解老師。 齊斌老師多年來任教於大台北地區大專院校和英語補習班,同時也是台灣培生朗文(Longman Pearson Taiwan)暢銷英語叢書作者,著有多本英語測驗準備叢書(如TOEIC多益、GEPT全民英檢、大學學測(GSAT)和國中會考(CAP)等)。此外,齊斌老師在國際英語教師協會(TESOL.org)擔任專業發展委員(PDPC, 2021-2024)、會議專業委員(CPC, 2016-2018)、數位媒體教學組主席(Chair of VDMIS, 2012-2013)以及組刊編輯(Newsletter Editor, 2004-2018)。教學專長是數位影音英語教學。 除了英語專業外,齊老師也是國家花式滑冰裁判和健美健身裁判。 Kenneth Chyi has hosted English programs on National Educational Radio (NER) and Taipei Broadcasting Station for many years. He has also worked as a bilingual weekly columnist for "Taiwan News" and an audiobook instructor for both "Taiwan News" and "EZ Talk." Mr. Chyi has been teaching English in colleges, universities, and language schools in the greater Taipei metro area. He is also an author of Longman Pearson Taiwan, having published English test preparation series (including TOEIC, the General Proficiency Test, the General Scholastic Ability Test, and the Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students). Additionally, Mr. Chyi has been involved with the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL.org) association, serving on the Professional Development Committee (PDPC, 2021–2024), the Conference Professional Committee (CPC, 2016–2018), and the Chair of the Video and Digital Media Interest Section (VDMIS, 2012–2013) as well as newsletter editor from 2004 to 2018. His focus is on integrating digital media into English teaching. In addition to his work in English education, Mr. Chyi is a figure skating judge and a bodybuilding and fitness judge.


  • https://www.instagram.com/kc.englishpass/
  • www.facebook.com/pin.chyi/
  • www.youtube.com/@齊斌英語通EnglishPass
  • https://kcenglishpass.pixnet.net/blog
  • @581nflac


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