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Taipei English NewsImage
Taipei English News
Taipei English NewsImage
2024/09/20 (Fri)


09/20 Sydney 1. Community Mental Health Center In Songshan-Xinyi 松山信義區設置心理衛生中心 2. Taipei Wins Gold Medal at WorldSkills Competition台北蟬聯世界冷凍空調金牌 3. Taipei Secures Hosting Rights for the 2029 ITS Congress 臺北市成功爭取2029年智慧運輸世界大會主辦權 4. City Department for Youth Invites Top University Students for Internships 北市府青年局訪美頂尖學府 廣邀學生來局實習 5. You Propose, We Fund! City Youth Department to Fund Prospective Applications 北市青年局社團及提案補助


Full Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11uoIl-6VGyJYsNHMK7acFkwgHl8NQA3D/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=108063857734685948464&rtpof=true&sd=true

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