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臺北英語新聞 Taipei English News圖片

臺北英語新聞 Taipei English News

臺北英語新聞 Taipei English News圖片
2024/08/02 (五)


1) Guanghua Digital Plaza (GDP) is turning 16! 光華數位新天地16週年慶活動 2) Fireworks Light Up Taipei Summer Festival in Dadaocheng 七夕大稻埕煙火秀 3) Photo Exhibitons of First ever Department store in Taipei 菊元百貨(Kikumoto)照片展 4) 2024 Taipei Marathon Registation Opens 台北馬拉松報名開始


1) Guanghua Digital Plaza (GDP) is turning 16! 光華數位新天地16週年慶活動 2) Fireworks Light Up Taipei Summer Festival in Dadaocheng 七夕大稻埕煙火秀 3) Photo Exhibitons of First ever Department store in Taipei 菊元百貨(Kikumoto)照片展 4) 2024 Taipei Marathon Registation Opens 台北馬拉松報名開始 全集文字稿請至以下連結 : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uo_BU2e8y88AzxRZWR4gc_liO7UW4Nlg/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=111162166759828632994&rtpof=true&sd=true


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