20250223 【絲竹漫遊】 有情人終成眷屬--庫依的愛情
1. 王乙聿《庫依的愛情》(Lalualumedani,發生在泰武、佳興部落真實的愛情故事)
2. 李哲藝/編《為什麼》(Lemayuz,排灣族古調,婚禮時要唱的歌曲)
3. 排灣古調《來甦》(北排灣族古調,代表思念)
4. 鄭光智《排灣之歌》(以「收穫歌」與「來甦」兩首排灣族歌謠貫穿全曲)
5. 李元貞《咿嚕唵Iluwan》(是排灣語的擬聲,意為「思念女友之歌」)
小單元【Let’s listen to and enjoy】About Lalualumedani
Dear listeners, Let's listen to and enjoy is the segment of this program. It is especially aimed at foreigners who are interested in Chinese music or sizhu. I will review the information we have just described in English I hope more people can understand Chinese music or sizhu and enjoy them
20250223 【絲竹漫遊】 有情人終成眷屬--庫依的愛情
1. 王乙聿《庫依的愛情》(Lalualumedani,發生在泰武、佳興部落真實的愛情故事)
2. 李哲藝/編《為什麼》(Lemayuz,排灣族古調,婚禮時要唱的歌曲)
3. 排灣古調《來甦》(北排灣族古調,代表思念)
4. 鄭光智《排灣之歌》(以「收穫歌」與「來甦」兩首排灣族歌謠貫穿全曲)
5. 李元貞《咿嚕唵Iluwan》(是排灣語的擬聲,意為「思念女友之歌」)
小單元【Let’s listen to and enjoy】About Lalualumedani
Dear listeners, Let's listen to and enjoy is the segment of this program. It is especially aimed at foreigners who are interested in Chinese music or sizhu. I will review the information we have just described in English I hope more people can understand Chinese music or sizhu and enjoy them