Run away 陶喆 俯衝的靈魂 動力火車 林俊傑 For the First Time in Forever Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel
Guest: 圖文繪本創作者 袁知芃老師 (小Chih老師)
Topic: Connect SDG5, SDG10 with《愛穿裙子的阿旺》
Guest: 青溪國小 Sam宥勳 Elang鈺晴
Topic: Connecting SDG3, SDG8 with 《注意!情緒怪獸來襲!》
Guest: 景新國小 廖宥傑
Topic: Connecting SDG8, SDG9, SDG11, SDG15 with 《Kai's Bat car》
Guest: 中山國小 黃嬿容
Topic: Connecting SDG10 & SDG5 with the book《I heard》
Guest: Aiden from Shezi Elementary School
Topic: Connecting the book 《 Things Mr. Earth has taught me》 with SDG12 & 14
Guest: 武功國小 陳睿彣 社子國小 李芃寬
Topic: Connect story《The Five Lives Below Water Leap the Dragon Gate》with SDG14 and SDG17
Guest: Ian(HuaXing Elementary school ) Ryan(Wego Private Junior High School)
Topic: Connecting SDG4 with the book 《Why do we have to go to shcool? Who invented school?》
Guest: 光仁國小 Charlotte Charlie 八里國中 洪國峰老師
Topic: Connecting SDG9 & SDG11 with picture book 《斑斑去上學》, reminding traffic rules before new semeter
Guest: Sustainable Artist, Hanna
Topic: DIY Actions surpporting SDG17 Partnership for the goals & connecting SDG14 Life belowe water with some ideas from the book 《Let’s Save the Great Barrier Reef: Why we must protect our planet》.
Guest: Anne Huang (Taipei Zhong Shan Elementary School)
Topic: Connecting SDG15 LifeOnLand with picture book《My new home》
Guest: 螢橋國小 四年級 Mira 黃于真
Topic: Connecting SDG3 Good health and well-being with the book <Now, wash your hands!>