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SDGs Action Taker!Image

SDGs Action Taker!

Guest Preston, Preston mommy
SDGs Action Taker!Image
2024/04/14 (Sun)


The connection of Lydia's original picture book“The Little Building with Red Bangs”and SDGs.


Lydia wrote and drew a picture book “The Little Building with Red Bangs”that was based on real history to share connection that how people working here supported SDGs🌟🌟🌟 The building has been built for almost 20000 days! What would happen to this building?! What are the connections between Taipei broadcasting station and SDGs? Lydia felt so lucky to have her little SDGs action taker friend, Preston and mommy to be on air🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 Preston and Lydia have been friends since his first English class in the elementary school🌟🌟🌟 Preston and mommy came to support teacher, Lydia at the fan meeting💛💛💛 We read the story together in this episode! Join us to be on air!

Count on me-Bruno Mars Thank you-ABAO The story of my life-One Direction


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