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SDGs Action Taker!Image

SDGs Action Taker!

Guest Raymond, Ray and žž瑋琪
SDGs Action Taker!Image
2024/04/28 (Sun)


Connect SDG16 and SDG4 with the book《La guerre, ce n’est pas pour moi ! (War Is Not For Me!)》by Éric Battut.


Lydia tried to share the connection of SDG16 and SDG4 and the book《La guerre, ce n’est pas pour moi ! (War Is Not For Me!)》by Éric Battut with little SDG action takers, Ray and Raymond. Lydia invited the singer that won two silver medals' Golbal Music Award and nominated to be the best indegenus singer for Golden Music Award, žž瑋琪 to share her song, 《Siasing》with the little global citizens! The song was chosen to be the top 100 songs for Apple Music. It is a piece that related with two unfimiliar family members. žž瑋琪 composed this song after noticing an old picture of them, wearing soilder's uniform with no smile on their faces. How can we connect this song with the book and the SDGs? Follow us on air to do something for our one and only planet, Earth!

遠處的槍聲 - 徹摩 Loyal brave true - Christina Aguilera Siasing - žž瑋琪 He is like water - žž瑋琪


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