Guest: Sustainable Artist, Hanna
Topic: DIY Actions surpporting SDG17 Partnership for the goals & connecting SDG14 Life belowe water with some ideas from the book 《Let’s Save the Great Barrier Reef: Why we must protect our planet》.
Guest: Anne Huang (Taipei Zhong Shan Elementary School)
Topic: Connecting SDG15 LifeOnLand with picture book《My new home》
Guest: 螢橋國小 四年級 Mira 黃于真
Topic: Connecting SDG3 Good health and well-being with the book <Now, wash your hands!>
Guest: 青溪國小3年級 宥勳
Topic: Connect SDG3 with the book《Pow: Ther peffect story for children with worries 》
Guest: Taitania 姊姊 大盧哥哥
Topic: Connecting SDG4 with picture book 《 只有一個學生的學校》& the action of《 野孩子起步走》progrom
Guest: Routzu
Topic: Connecting SDG15, SDG2 & SDG12 from the book《The last straw 》,《STUFF: Curious Everyday Stuff That Helps Our Planet 》and visiting bee farm.
Guest: 呂緯詳 呂唯瑋
Topic: Connecting the book <海漂多仔> SDG 14 Life below water
Guest: 侑軒&玫均 from Taiwan Marine Center
Topic: Following Taiwan Marine Center to support SDG14 Life below water with the book 《MahiMahi真奇妙》
Guest: Aiden from Shezi Elementary School
Topic: Connecting picture book《One hundred shoes》with SDG12 and SDG1.
Guest: Rui Wen Chen from Wugong Elementary School
Topic: Connecting SDG9 & 8 with the book《Whose vehicle is this.》
Guest: Alyssa
Topic: Connecting 《Daisy, eat your Peas》with SDG2, 3, 10.