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Taipei English NewsImage
Taipei English News
Taipei English NewsImage
2024/07/26 (Fri)


1) ICT Skill Courses Open For Enrollment 職能學院下半年資通訊課程熱烈招生中 2)Exclusive Digital Courses With Hahow Campus HaHow 暑假限定數位課程大公開 3)August 1-4: Indigenous Admission Ticket Discounts 81原住民入場門票優惠 4) National Housing Subsidies: Up To 3000 Rent Reduction 北市育兒協助新制上路 國宅租金最多再減三千元 5)Guanghua Digital Plaza Celebrates 16th Anniversary 光華數位天地歡慶16週年


1) ICT Skill Courses Open For Enrollment 職能學院下半年資通訊課程熱烈招生中 2)Exclusive Digital Courses With Hahow Campus HaHow 暑假限定數位課程大公開 3)August 1-4: Indigenous Admission Ticket Discounts 81原住民入場門票優惠 4) National Housing Subsidies: Up To 3000 Rent Reduction 北市育兒協助新制上路 國宅租金最多再減三千元 5)Guanghua Digital Plaza Celebrates 16th Anniversary 光華數位天地歡慶16週年

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