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Taipei English NewsImage

Taipei English News

Taipei English NewsImage
2024/05/10 (Fri)


1) Taipei will enter a great urban renewal era 蔣萬安宣示北市進入「大都更時代」 2) Smoking is prohibited on the “Store front of 5 chain convenience stores and 9 chain coffee shops in Taipei City” effective April 1, 2024 113年4月1日起臺北市5家連鎖便利商店及9家連鎖咖啡店1樓門市前禁菸 3) Taipei launches second double-decker dining bus 北市第二輛雙層餐車全新亮相 五星級餐點打造雙重感官饗宴 4) Shidong Market: Five-Star Traditional Market 士東市場再度榮獲五星優良市集 5) Taipei City celebrates 140th Anniversary 臺北城建城140週年


1) Taipei will enter a great urban renewal era 蔣萬安宣示北市進入「大都更時代」 2) Smoking is prohibited on the “Store front of 5 chain convenience stores and 9 chain coffee shops in Taipei City” effective April 1, 2024 113年4月1日起臺北市5家連鎖便利商店及9家連鎖咖啡店1樓門市前禁菸 3) Taipei launches second double-decker dining bus 北市第二輛雙層餐車全新亮相 五星級餐點打造雙重感官饗宴 4) Shidong Market: Five-Star Traditional Market 士東市場再度榮獲五星優良市集 5) Taipei City celebrates 140th Anniversary 臺北城建城140週年

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