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Taipei English NewsImage

Taipei English News

Taipei English NewsImage
2024/11/08 (Fri)


臺北英語新聞本週重點新聞: 1) Taipei City’s Recovery from Typhoon Kong-rey 康芮颱風災情嚴重,台北市迅速恢復市容 2) Nuit Blanche Taipei to take place at Daan Forest Park 臺北白晝之夜在大安森林公園舉辦 3) The Reconstruction Project of Nanmen Market Wins the National Golden Award in Architecture 南門市場改建 獲國家建築金質獎 4) Only 200 days to go until the World Masters Games in Taipei and New Taipei City. 世界壯年運動會倒數200天 5) Dr Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, A landmark of Taipei City 臺北建城140週年: 國父紀念館

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