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Taipei English NewsImage

Taipei English News

Taipei English NewsImage
2024/11/22 (Fri)


臺北英語新聞本週重點新聞: 1) Taipei MRT Enforces "No Dangerous Goods" Policy 臺北捷運全面張貼「禁帶危險品」 2) Taipei metro stations promote standing on both sides of escalators 台北捷運電扶梯「兩側站立」 3) Winners Announced for the Taipei Garden City Competition 田園城市建置成果競賽獲獎名單出爐 4) Flower Carnival at Dajia Riverside Park is open! 北市大佳河濱花海登場 5) 2024 Taipei Indigenous Games 原住民族運動會

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