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受邀來賓 樊慰慈、吳妍萱、劉佳雯
2024/04/28 (日)


0428 【絲竹漫遊】絲竹焦點觀察-古箏II 預告 本集節目邀請了三位名家在節目中與大家分享關於古箏的各種傳奇,從古曲到當代音樂創作,包羅萬象。包括三位古箏演奏家,分別是樊慰慈教授、吳妍萱老師、劉佳雯老師。以不同的主題切入,用不同的角度來聆賞古箏,更進一步的瞭解古箏的共融性與藝術性。 這個擁有數千年歷史的傳統樂器。古箏,以其獨特的韻味和深沉的音色,不僅是中國音樂的瑰寶,也是世界文化遺產的一部分。 【Let’s listen to and enjoy】 The guzheng, a traditional musical instrument originating from China, has a history of more than two thousand years. Its tone is deep and melodious, as if telling an ancient story, making people feel peaceful and harmonious. The guzheng has a unique structure, usually consisting of 16 to 26 silk strings, and the pitch of each string can be adjusted independently. The player will pluck the strings with his right hand and press the strings with his left hand, using this method to produce rich and varied timbres. The music style of guzheng is diverse, including beautiful lyrical pieces and passionate war songs. Whether in the ancient court or in modern concerts, guzheng has won people's favor with its unique charm. Hope you enjoy the story for today, thank you for listening.


0428 【絲竹漫遊】絲竹焦點觀察-古箏II 預告 本集節目邀請了三位名家在節目中與大家分享關於古箏的各種傳奇,從古曲到當代音樂創作,包羅萬象。包括三位古箏演奏家,分別是樊慰慈教授、吳妍萱老師、劉佳雯老師。以不同的主題切入,用不同的角度來聆賞古箏,更進一步的瞭解古箏的共融性與藝術性。 這個擁有數千年歷史的傳統樂器。古箏,以其獨特的韻味和深沉的音色,不僅是中國音樂的瑰寶,也是世界文化遺產的一部分。 【Let’s listen to and enjoy】 The guzheng, a traditional musical instrument originating from China, has a history of more than two thousand years. Its tone is deep and melodious, as if telling an ancient story, making people feel peaceful and harmonious. The guzheng has a unique structure, usually consisting of 16 to 26 silk strings, and the pitch of each string can be adjusted independently. The player will pluck the strings with his right hand and press the strings with his left hand, using this method to produce rich and varied timbres. The music style of guzheng is diverse, including beautiful lyrical pieces and passionate war songs. Whether in the ancient court or in modern concerts, guzheng has won people's favor with its unique charm. Hope you enjoy the story for today, thank you for listening.


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