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臺北英語新聞 Taipei English News圖片
臺北英語新聞 Taipei English News
臺北英語新聞 Taipei English News圖片
2024/05/24 (五)


5/24-Kenneth Chyi 齊斌老師 1) Let's Meet Strong, the mascot of the World Masters Games 世壯運吉祥物「Strong壯寶」亮相 2) Taipei Old Photos Exhibition 臺北市老照片展 3) 2024 Zhuzihu Calla Lily & Hydrangea Festival 竹子湖海芋與&繡球花 4) Taipei has entered an enterovirus epidemic period. 北市腸病毒疫情升溫 5) A maximum subsidy of NT$3,000 for pet insurance. 寵物領養保險補助


5/24-Kenneth Chyi 齊斌老師 1) Let's Meet Strong, the mascot of the World Masters Games 世壯運吉祥物「Strong壯寶」亮相 2) Taipei Old Photos Exhibition 臺北市老照片展 3) 2024 Zhuzihu Calla Lily & Hydrangea Festival 竹子湖海芋與&繡球花 4) Taipei has entered an enterovirus epidemic period. 北市腸病毒疫情升溫 5) A maximum subsidy of NT$3,000 for pet insurance. 寵物領養保險補助


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