0303 【絲竹漫遊】聽見繆斯II
在三月份,因為有婦女節,也有很多人將婦女節的精神延伸至「全國婦女歷史月」Women's History Month,因此三月也可謂女性之月,因此馬利在【有緣千里˙話音樂】與【絲竹漫遊】節目,依照不同的主題與人物特質,策劃了四集【聽見繆斯】系列。
四位亞洲女性作曲家: 陳士惠 (臺灣/美國)、姜瑩 (中國)、蘇凡凌 (臺灣)、Maria Christine Muyco (菲律賓)。聽她們分享為何寫,如何成為作曲家,支持女性作曲家,並且介紹她們的代表作。
0303【Let’s listen to and enjoy】--東漢末年女性文人蔡文姬與《胡珈十八拍》的故事
The literatus in ancient China were able to recite poetry, compose music, play drums and harps, and were all proficient in music. If we want to talk about female literati, the most famous one should be Cai Wenji. Cai Wenji is also a female poet. She is said to be able to use her hearing to quickly determine which string of the guqin is broken.
1. 陳士惠: 琵琶協奏曲
2. 姜瑩: 絲綢之路
3. 蘇凡凌: 粉墨登場
4. Maria Christine Muyco: Passage to Kublo